Heroic Donors

Have a story you would like to share? Share Your Story

Some donor families decide to write to the transplant recipients, having a desire to share information about themselves and their loved ones. Every donor family is different. Whatever decision is made, the one thing to remember is that it's what's best for you. It may be months or years before you are able to think about writing a letter. There is no time limit within which you must decide. 

Writing to a Transplant Recipient

If you need help or have a question, please call our office at (518) 489-7606 and ask to speak to a Donor Family Service Coordinator.
We're here - for you - whenever you need us.

Grateful Recipients

Have a story you would like to share? Share Your Story

Would you like to write to a Donor Family?

After receiving your corneal transplant, you may wish to write a letter to your donor family to let them know what the gift of donation has meant to you. Often the donor family is comforted in hearing from the recipient of their loved one's donation gift and finds it helps in their grieving process. Whether the decision to donate was already made by their loved one or they themselves made the decision for their loved one, this correspondence can reassure them that someone in need is being helped.

The Lions Eye Bank of the Northeast will facilitate written correspondence between recipients and donor families.
All correspondence is anonymous and confidential.

Writing to a Donor Family